Flag Football Info / Registration | Rulebooks | Hall of Champions

Registration FAQs

Q: I'm ready to join your team. Where do I sign up?

A: We're not a team, but actually a league made up of many teams. If you have friends, family, co-workers, etc. that want to play then you should consider registering your own team. If it's just you and maybe a few friends then register as individual free agents and we'll try to place you on a team.

Q: How many players should I have register for my team?
A: That really depends on how reliable your players are. If you can count on most of you players showing up each week then 14-16 is a good number to maximize playing time. If you think that conflicting schedules will keep a good number of your players from committing then 16-20 is a good number to have to make sure that you don't have to play games shorthanded or even forfeit.

Q: Can my friend(s) and I sign up as free agents and remain on the same team?
A: Yes, when registering just be sure that everyone names the people they want to be included with. There's a form field for just that reason.

Q: Do I have to live in Montgomery County to play?

A: No, you can reside anywhere and play in our league. Montgomery County is simply the area where we play and not necessarily where we all live.

Q: Are uniforms required?
A: Uniforms are NOT required, but teams must have matching colors so that it'll be easier to differentiate teammates on the field. 

Fee and Payment FAQs

Q: When is payment due?
A: Payment is due in full at midnight of the registration deadline date.

Q: What is the lowest team price I can get for my team?
A: We always offer EARLY BIRD specials IF you can collect from your teammates in advance or have the ability to pay the full discounted price. For example. the Early Bird team price may be $675 if paid early and in full by the given deadline and method. The full price may be $900! This would save the team $225! Also if you pay any type of EARLY BIRD lump sum full team payment, you are allowed to have 20 players on your roster! This makes it even cheaper

Q: Our team cannot afford to pay full discounted team fee in advance. Can I have my team pay individually to the league?
A: Yes. But this is the most expensive method. You need at least 14 paid players on roster. If you have more, everyone must pay the individual price for the league. 

Q: What happens if I split payment and and my teammates don't pay by the deadline?
A: You will not be scheduled until all of your players are PAID. League will also charge a 5% late fee. In case you do not have players, the league reserves the right to add paid free agents to fill the roster and meet the minimum cost of the team.

"I am a free agent" FAQs

Q: I registered as a free agent, now what?
A: Hang tight! We will add you to a team and notify you before the season starts!

Q: What if there are no teams looking for free agents?
A: It is very rare that we cannot find a team for a free agent. In that rare case, you will be refunded.

"I need free agents" FAQs

Q: How do I request free agents to fill spots on my roster?
A: Please email us at info@playrasl.com and we'll put you in touch with some.

Q: How do free agents impact my team's fee?
A: You will receive 50% of the free agent fee collected for that plater. For example, a free agent paid $60 and we place them on your team. You, the captain, will receive a refund of $30 each after your team fee is paid in full. 

Gameplay FAQs

Q: Is it okay that I've never played flag football before?
A: Absolutely. As long as you have a general understanding of how football is played, all it takes is practice to get good at flag football. We have players of all levels so most people can fit right in.

Q: How is co-ed flag football different from men's?
A: Co-ed flag football allows you to play with all your friends, regardless of gender. We have rules in place to make sure that both men and women are able to participate more equally. For the sake of simplicity, for every two straight offensive plays that involve only men, the next play must involve a woman either as a quarterback, running back, or wide receiver.

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